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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Ruiner of books!

Why, why why do people do this! Every time there is a book or film that comes out and everyone knows that everyone else is going to see or read it eventually at least one person will come up to you and say 'I could ruin this book/film for you, ... but I wont!' .... They all say it as if they are doing you a great service! Its like thanking your parents each morning for not decapitating you in your sleep! (Note: not on the same level of harshness though if they do ruin your book/decapitate you) I heard it four different times from four different people and each time I keep getting stunned slightly. 'Well cheers! I'll have to take you off my death list then'. <- that should be my cunning reply, if a tad unnecessary. But anyway the main reason I brought this up is I hate the comments that some people say of this nature. Some of them, as my darling mother did today, say things like '

Hold up there, if you dont want anything known about the Harry potter book then dont read this. Or any of the rest of this blog, I'll post other stuff in a different one so you dont have to look.

'Oh I wont tell you who dies!' Again I should thank them for not being bastards, but also I didnt know anyone DIED!! Well thanks alot mum! Its those comments which rattle me slightly. Its not that they are doing it on purpose but they just dont think about what they are saying, they are too busy getting the fact out that they wont be mean sods who have already read the book. I suppose on some levels that they are just trying to say 'nyah nyah I've read it and you aint!' Cos they know you want to.
Check next blog for next segment.


Blogger Ben said...

Good book. I finished the other day. Well it's pretty much the same as the others so you can't go wrong really.

3:02 pm  
Blogger Complex said...

I had it spoiled for me... I think... it might have been a lie... Well, a t-shirt. A t-shirt lie. Hmm, if you havent read the book, don't go to t-shirt hell right now.

1:36 am  

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